Welcome to The Garibaldi School

EV4 Educational Visits Consent Form

This form is used to collect information regarding the upcoming educational visit and will only be used for this purpose. We need the information collected here to enable us to manage this process effectively. The information is for internal use only and will be stored on our internal servers. This information will be kept in line with our data retention policy.

We will only use your contact details to share information with you that is relevant to this process.

If you have any concerns please contact us before you proceed.

Basic Details

For trip usage only. Leave blank if not applicable.

Emergency Contacts
Emergency Contact 1
Emergency Contact 2
Student's Medical Details

For each medication, please give its name, dosage details, time of day/circumstances for it to be administered and the method of administration.

Medication must be delivered to the group leader before the visit. By selecting 'Yes', you confirm that you understand that the staff leading the visit are not qualified medical practitioners but that they will take reasonable care in the administration of the medication and will endeavour to respond appropriately should emergency treatment be required.

Student's Dietary Requirements
Image Rights

Whilst you may have already given general permission for image rights at the start of the academic year, we will always seek additional written consent if a child’s image or name is to appear on an external online platform, in print or featured in any external media product. This includes (but is not limited to) marketing materials, media outlets and public appearances.
The photographs from this visit may be used on the school website / local press and your child's name and photograph may be used in the local press, the website or newsletter. The photographs may also be used by the Nova Education Trust’s marketing team for purposes of marketing the school to the general public.


I agree to inform the school immediately if any of the medical or contact information changes. I acknowledge the need for obedient and responsible behaviour on his / her part and I understand that there is some level of risk in every activity but that this will be managed to minimise the risks involved. I understand the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided. I understand that as part of the planned transport arrangements, or in emergency, it may be necessary for pupils to be transported in staff vehicles.

You will receive a confirmation e-mail to this address.